Tiny House Lifestyle Consultancy

Tiny House Lifestyle Consultancy

A Tiny House Lifestyle in a normal house

I want a new lifestyle

Your current life is no longer the way you want it to be. Perhaps your fixed costs are higher than you would like. You notice that you have a lot of space in your house that you don't actually use. In addition, you are aware of your footprint with the house you now own. It is also possible that you do not yet own a house or apartment, but that you immediately want to take that first right step by going for a Tiny House. Regardless of the reason, I totally agree with that move to a Tiny House Lifestyle!

If we work together...

    Do you gain more insight into your current household Will we work throughout the house with the Tiny House Lifestyle We will tackle space by space, without panic or stress.At the end you will have a house that is practically furnished, which makes you happy and that may even lead to lower fasting charges.

"The Tiny House Lifestyle is for everyone, even if you don't live less than 50 square meters."

The Tiny House movement originated in America, where people placed a house on a trailer in less than 50 square meters. It's a nice idea, but not yet feasible for everyone here in the Netherlands.

Even if you live in a normal house, you can take the ideas behind a Tiny House into your current living situation. It is based on several principles, including minimalism. With a few practical tips, your home will feel calmer, more efficient, more practical and nicer. A Tiny House Lifestyle is not far away.

This is what we will do:

In order to get a Tiny House Lifestyle, a number of things must become clear. First, why do you want it so badly? What is your reason for pursuing this lifestyle? In addition, it is important to take a closer look at your own lifestyle. In this way we can determine exactly where profit can be made and what is and is not possible.

During the consultancy the following arises:

    A clear picture of the current situation A list of wishes and requirements, followed by the necessary argumentation for this lifestyle A concrete plan to get started in your home A live consultation in which we walk through your house together and apply the Tiny House Lifestyle.
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